Diverse Supplier Virtual Summit 2020
In October 2020 FACEBOOK held their very first Diverse Supplier Summit Event to celebrate half a decade of working with diverse suppliers. As FACEBOOK’s first supplier onboarded as a diverse partner back in 2015, FG|PG was invited to host the event that brought together a long list of diverse-based companies (minority, veteran, and woman-owned, LGBTQ, etc.) who were celebrated and engaged in discussion on how to create a more equitable playing field for small and diverse business owners.
FG|PG opened up its 100,000 plus square foot facility and helped Facebook broadcast its first virtual summit for the diverse business leaders.
The event encompassed a wide range of speakers including Magic Johnson, Westbrook inc.’s Gila Jones, COO Sheryl Sandberg, and amazing music from DJ Tiff McFierce and Black Violin.
Following Sheryl Sandberg, our very own Freddie Georges share her thoughts on what it means to be part of Facebook’s diverse suppliers and a woman-owned and operated business that has thrived time and time again and survived the US market housing crash, 9/11 and most recently the COVID19 Pandemic.